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Are you really happy?

1. Five traits of a happy person

Happiness is a universal want. If you ask people what their goal in life is, the most prominent answer would be happiness. They may not use that exact word. Instead they could say to be rich, land their dream job, or start a family. That’s what they link to the feeling of happiness. At the end of the day, isn’t the pursuit of happiness what motivates us? We work daily towards what we think will bring us closer to that goal. However, it’s a common misconception that  we can't be happy in our current situation, even if it’s not where we want to be.

People work their entire lives to pursue happiness but unfortunately come up short since their associations to happiness are incorrect. As a result, they live bitter and unfulfilled lives. They associate the idea of happiness with things like massive wealth, a job promotion, or a significant other. Problem is, if you’re not happy before you have those things, most likely you won’t be happy those cases, you are seeking happiness from external and unbalanced sources instead of within yourself. That is where happiness truly comes from.

Being happy, almost like meditation, is a practice. Here are five traits of a happy person: