Are you really happy?

6. Make an effort to be happy

Have you ever been around someone that is always happy, to the point at which you start to get a little annoyed and envious? You start thinking to yourself...

“What do they have to be happy about all the time? Is their life really that much better than mine?”

The answer to that is no. Unfortunately, there’s no magic potion you can take daily to make you happy. People that are happy all the time work at it. It’s not because they have perfect lives and situations go their way. More so, it’s the way they respond to life situations. At the end of the day, life and your happiness are about how you respond to everyday situations. Happy people choose to look on the bright side. Since you can’t control how people treat you, why get down or beat yourself up about it? Control what you can control, your happiness, because you have no idea what the day will bring.