Take 1: Ideas in motion!

As a school project, you have to select a place to make a movie there as part of a national contest. You need interesting movie script ideas. This is your chance to make your own town and yourself famous.

Before writing

  • Think of a place and a story to write about
  • Complete this graphic organizer

  • Write your movie script




Working title:



Made in:



Plot (maximum 100 words):






Cash: $



  • Use the graphic organizer to complete the movie script.
  • Check that all the ideas from the graphic organizer are present and expand them.
  • Make sure all the elements of the script are present.
  • Monitor your writing.
  • Count the number of words.
  • Use connectors and paraphrase to better your writing.

After writing:

  • Edit your writing.
  • Exchange your script with your classmate or tutor.
  • Vote on the best one.