Reading to be informed: Comparative reading

Main goal

Using imagery, comparing, using graphic organizers critically.

Time: 45 minutes

Group: 2nd year students

Materials: Luis Suarez’ biography and Diego Forlán´s biography, Luis Suarez´ photograph and Diego Forlán´s photograph from Wikimedia Commons and a Venn diagram.



1. Hand out Luis Suarez´ photograph to elicit information from students on him.

 Luis Suárez

2. Hand out Diego Forlán´s photograph to do the same.

Diego Forlán 

3. Draw a Venn diagram on the board and complete it with students´prior knowledge, as they tell you the information they know on each football player. Leave the overlapping space empty on purpose.

4. Ask students to work in pairs and circle the things they have in common from the Venn diagram e.g. both of them are Uruguayan, football players, they live abroad, they are married, etc.

Model the activity by doing the first sentence as a sample. Go to the board. circle one thing they have in common and write it down on the “in common” space. e.g.They are Uruguayan. Point out the use of “they” instead of “he” and check understanding.

5. Monitor students´output and check sentences.


6. Hand out two texts: one on Luis Suarez´biography and one on Diego Forlán´s biography. Ask students to read both biographies and look for coincidences. Students will circle the coincidences in the text.

7. Ask students to complete the Venn diagram with the coincidences in the space “in common”.

8. Finally, ask students to read the texts again, underline two differences in the footballers´ lives and write them down in the Venn diagram e.g. Luis Suárez is from Salto whereas Diego Forlán is from Montevideo, Luis Suárez has two children whereas Diego Forlán doesn't have any children. Read the text aloud and spot one difference as a sample.

Venn Diagram


Ask students how useful Venn diagrams can be and elicit situations where they can use it.